Our dogs

Hööks Svipp
Mickey is a 2 year old Autralian Labradoodle with beautiful golden brown fur. He only feels good when he is with his family. He has outstanding intelligence and behave very well. He loves to run and walk in the forest. A true companion.
DoodleBabys Lychee
Lychee is a really sweet and charmingl love bomb. Beautiful light red color with white spots, soft wavy fur. She has a calm nature, loves children, she is a very playful and funny little clown. A very nice, cuddly little dog. Every day you fall more and more in love with her.

Hööks Labradoodle Mia
Mia, a very fresh peronality, you can’t get bored with her, she loves to be in the center. A very playful and lively puppy, she loves to play with children! Everyone dreams of a little Labradoodle with soft fur and nice white spots!
LoveJoyLabradoodle Lays
Very sweet, playful, affectionate, and an adorable little face. When it comes to play, you can always count on her. A charming, cuddly little dog with light, soft, velvety, slightly curly fur.

Red Desert Olympics Torch
All 3 of our dogs have excellent genetic characteristics. This means our dogs are free of HD (Hip Dysplasia), ED (Elbow Dysplasia), Patellaluxation (loose kneecaps), PRA-PRCD (Hereditary Eye Diseases), Willebrand’s Disease (Blood Coagulation Disease), EIC (Exertional Collapse), IC (improper coat) and DM (degenerative myalopathy) diseases.